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Async InputQuery doesn't handle Cancel button

I'm using a simple call to TDialogServiceAsync.InputQuery() with a single input. It just ignores both the Cancel button and the window's X close button.

But the Ok button works fine.

This is my code:


procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
   ['Insert value'], ['bla bla'],
  procedure(const AResult: TModalResult; const AValues: array of string)
    if Aresult = mrOk then

    if Aresult = mrCancel then
      ShowMessage('Cancel!'); // this is never called

If I press Cancel, the InputQuery window doesn't close, and my callback procedure is not called.

How I can make the InputQuery form close when pressing the Cancel button?

I'm using RADStudio 10.1 Berlin.


I made a few tests:

  1. On Windows 32 bit cancel button DOES NOT works
  2. On Windows 64 bit cancel button DOES NOT works
  3. On iOS 64 bit cancel button works correctly
  4. On Android 32 bit cancel button works correctly
like image 792
HypeZ Avatar asked Mar 21 '17 10:03


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1 Answers

This is a known bug. There are already bug reports for this issue in Embarcadero's Quality Portal:

RSP-16148 TDialogService.InputQuery() - Cancel button doesn't work

RSP-16670 Problem of TDialogService.InputQuery dialog box.

The latter ticket provides a fix to FMX.DialogHelper.pas:




class function TDialogBuilder.InputQuery(const ACaption: string; const APrompts: array of string;


Button := CreateButton(LForm, BorderSize, WorkArea, Layout, SMsgDlgCancel, mrCancel, LForm.ButtonOnClick);

after this line, add

//fix or add by flyign wang.
Button.Cancel := True;
LForm.FCanCancel := True;
like image 58
Remy Lebeau Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 11:10

Remy Lebeau