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assignee in jira workflow



Should I change assignee in jira issue when I've changed it state to such that other person is supposed to work on it?
What is common approach? (please provide trustworthy source of your thoughts)

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Mike Avatar asked Aug 30 '11 08:08


1 Answers

It depends on what you want to achieve. If you use JIRA as an issue tracker that shows everyone what is his duty to do, you should change the assignee to the person that should work on that issue now. As assignee are only allowed person with the permission to be assigned, so there may be edge case where someone else does take the job.

Your workflow should be reflect that. So when you assign a defect to a developer (because he is the one to fix it), and the developer has fixed it has changes the status to resolved, he should have the option to assign the issue to the responsible QM person, that has to retest the relevant part of the application before closing the bug.

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mliebelt Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 07:10
