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Assembly GUI programming for Mac OS X

I’d like to know how can I do a simple assembly program for Mac OS X that shows a window on the screen and put some coloured text on that window. The code may call some Carbon or Cocoa APIs. I need some code for the nasm sintaxe.

I saw in http://snipplr.com/view/29150/assembly-code-nasm-for-mac--hello-world the next code that works fine, but it´s not graphic.

  ; Hello World in assembly for mac 
  ; nasm -f macho hello.asm 
  ; ld -e _start -o hello hello.o 

  section .text 
  global _start ;must be declared for linker (ld) 

  int 0x80      ;system call 

  _start:       ;tell linker entry point 

  push dword len    ;message length 
  push dword msg    ;message to write 
  push dword 1      ;file descriptor (stdout) 
  mov eax,0x4       ;system call number (sys_write) 
  call _syscall     ;call kernel 

  add esp,12        ;clean stack (3 arguments * 4) 

  push dword 0      ;exit code 
  mov eax,0x1       ;system call number (sys_exit) 
  call _syscall     ;call kernel 

  ;we do not return from sys_exit, 
  ;there's no need to clean stack 
  section .data 

  msg db "Hello, world!",0xa    ;our dear string 
  len equ $ - msg               ;length of our dear string 

Thanks for any help

like image 287
jose.pereira Avatar asked Mar 26 '11 22:03


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1 Answers

This is not Carbon as requested in the comments in the previous answers, but it may help you get a step further ahead in your noble pursuit:


like image 160
Monolo Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 03:10
