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ASP.Net Web Site Project vs. Web Application Project [duplicate]

I'm trying to convince my co-workers to switch from a web site project to a web application project, because I want the use of the project file. However I can't diffuse this argument against:

  • The web site project allows each page to be compiled into a single dll. Their argument is this enables easy fixing of errors found after publishing. This is contrast to how the web application project compiles all code behind into a single dll.
  • Is updating a single page's dll essentially different to updating the entire site's dll?
  • Is there some way to compile each page's code behind into a separate dll in the web application project?
  • Are there some prohibitive (performance,memory?) costs to compiling each page's code behind into separate dll's that we are unaware of?
  • Why is the feature(?) to compile each page to separate dlls in web site projects and not web app projects?
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Dana Benson Avatar asked Mar 31 '10 16:03

Dana Benson

People also ask

What is the difference between web application and website in asp net?

Web Application is a special Visual Studio project. The main difference with Web Sites is that when you build the project all the code files are compiled into a single assembly, which is placed in the bin directory. You don't deploy code files to the web server.

What is difference between project and website?

see the following for better understanding. New Web Site - creates code behind pages that are compiled at the server when page is requested. New Web Project - creates pre-compiled pages into one or more assemblies (entire site even), and deployed on server.

What is the difference between Web project and website in Visual Studio?

You typically copy all of your source code to the web server when you deploy a web site project. In a web application project, source code is compiled into an assembly (a . dll file), and that is what has to be on the web server.

What's the difference between website and app?

An app, or software application, isn't directly accessible on the internet. Rather, it must be downloaded on a smartphone or tablet. Mobile websites are responsive sites that automatically scale to fit the screen size of your viewer's device.

1 Answers

I'd say if everyone there needs the flexibility to deploy bug fixes post release without re-releasing the whole site then they are right: you need to have a web project for that sort of dynamic compilation. That or a better testing process ;)

Personally I prefer a web application though since there is only one dll created, which means less mess and less scope for "weird bugs" with dll's having different names etc. If you have a large site you should really be using a web application. I remember making this decision a year ago and I never looked back (I chose web application) :)

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BritishDeveloper Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 04:10
