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ASP.NET Web API Model Binding

I'm using Web API within ASP .NET MVC 4 RC, and I have a method that takes a complex object with nullable DateTime properties. I want the values of the input to be read from the query string, so I have something like this:

public class MyCriteria
    public int? ID { get; set; }
    public DateTime? Date { get; set; }

public IEnumerable<MyResult> Search([FromUri]MyCriteria criteria)
    // Do stuff here.

This works well if I pass a standard date format in the query string such as 01/15/2012:


However, I want to specify a custom format for the DateTime (maybe MMddyyyy)... for example:



I've tried to apply a custom model binder, but I haven't had any luck applying it to only DateTime objects. The ModelBinderProvider I've tried looks something like this:

public class DateTimeModelBinderProvider : ModelBinderProvider
    public override IModelBinder GetBinder(HttpActionContext actionContext, ModelBindingContext bindingContext)
        if (bindingContext.ModelType == typeof(DateTime) || bindingContext.ModelType == typeof(DateTime?))
            return new DateTimeModelBinder();
        return null;

// In the Global.asax
GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.Services.Add(typeof(ModelBinderProvider), new DateTimeModelBinderProvider());

The new model binder provider is created, but GetBinder is only called once (for the complex model parameter, but not for each property within the model). This makes sense, but I would like to find a way to make it to use my DateTimeModelBinder for DateTime properties, while using the default binding for non-DateTime properties. Is there a way to override the default ModelBinder and specify how each property is bound?


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Glen Hughes Avatar asked Aug 09 '12 02:08

Glen Hughes

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1 Answers

Consider setting your view-model's Date property to type string

Then either write a utility function to handle the mapping between the viewmodel type and the domain-model type:

public static MyCriteria MapMyCriteriaViewModelToDomain(MyCriteriaViewModel model){

    var date = Convert.ToDateTime(model.Date.Substring(0,2) + "/" model.Date.Substring(2,2) + "/" model.Date.Substring(4,2));

    return new MyCriteria
        ID = model.ID,
        Date = date


or use a tool like AutoMapper, like this:

in Global.asax

//if passed as MMDDYYYY:
Mapper.CreateMap<MyCriteriaViewModel, MyCriteria>().
          dest => dest.Date, 
          opt => opt.MapFrom(src => Convert.ToDateTime(src.Date.Substring(0,2) + "/" src.Date.Substring(2,2) + "/" src.Date.Substring(4,2)))

and in the controller:

public ActionResult MyAction(MyCriteriaViewModel model)
    var myCriteria = Mapper.Map<MyCriteriaViewModel, MyCriteria>(model);

    //  etc.

From this example it might not seem that AutoMapper is providing any added value. It's value comes when you are configuring several or many mappings with objects that generally have more properties than this example. CreateMap will automatically map properties with the same name and type, so it saves lots of typing and it's much DRYer.

like image 161
Faust Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 14:11
