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ASP.Net MVC with web service as model?

Does anyone have advice or tips on using a web service as the model in an ASP.Net MVC application? I haven't seen anyone writing about doing this. I'd like to build an MVC app, but not tie it to using a specific database, nor limit the database to the single MVC app. I feel a web service (RESTful, most likely ADO.Net Data Services) is the way to go.

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user50494 Avatar asked Jun 01 '09 20:06


2 Answers

How likely, or useful, is it for your MVC app to be decoupled from your database? How often have you seen, in your application lifetime, a change from SQL Server to Oracle? From the last 10 years of projects I've delivered, it's never happened.

Architectures are like onions, they have layers of abstractions above things they depend on. And if you're going to use an RDBMS for storage, that's at the core of your architecture. Abstracting yourself from the DB so you can swap it around is very much a fallacy.

Now you can decouple your database access from your domain, and the repository pattern is one of the ways to do that. Most mature solutions use an ORM these days, so you may want to have a look at NHibernate if you want a mature technology, or ActiveRecord / linq2sql for a simpler active record pattern on top of your data.

Now that you have your data strategy in place, you have a domain of some sort. When you expose data to your client, you can choose to do so through an MVC pattern, where you'll usually send DTOs generated from your domain for rendering, or you can decide to leverage an architecture style like REST to provide more loosely coupled systems, by providing links and custom representations.

You go from tight coupling to looser coupling as you go towards the external layers of your solution.

If your question however was to build an MVC app on top of a REST architecture or web services, and use that as a model... Why bother? If you're going to have a domain model, why not reuse it in your system and your services where it makes sense?

Generating a UI from an MVC app and generating documents needed for a RESTful architecture are two completely different contexts, basing one on top of each other is just going to cause much more pain than needed. And you're sacrificing performance.

Depends on your exact scenario, but remote XML-based service as the model in MVC, from experience, not a good idea, it's probably over-engineering and disregarding the need for a domain to start with.

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SerialSeb Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 19:11


Edit 2010-11-27; clarified my thoughts, which was really needed.

A web service exposes functionality across different types of applications, not for abstraction in one single application, most often. You are probably thinking more of a way of encapsulating commands and reads in a way that doesn't interfere with your controller/view programming.

Use a service from a service bus if you're after the decoupling and do an async pattern in your async pages. You can see Rhino.ServiceBus, nServiceBus and MassTransit for .Net native implementations and RabbitMQ for something different http://blogs.digitar.com/jjww/2009/01/rabbits-and-warrens/.

Edit: I've had some time to try rabbit out in a way that pushed messages to my service which in turn pushed updates to the book keeping app. RabbitMQ is a message broker, aka a MOM (message oriented middle-ware) and you could use it to send messages to your application server.

You can also simply provide service interfaces. Read Eric Evan's Domain Driven Design for a more detailed description.

REST-ful service interfaces deal a lot with data, and more specifically with addressable resources. It can greatly simplify your programming model and allows great control over output through the HTTP protocol. WCF's upcoming programming model uses true rest as defined in the original thesis, where each document should to some extent provide URIs for continued navigation. Have a look at this. (In my first version of this post, I lamented REST for being 'slow', whatever that means) REST-based APIs are also pretty much what CouchDB and Riak uses.

ADO.Net is rather crap (!) [N+1 problems with lazy collection because of code-to-implementation, data-access leakage - you always need your db context where your query code is etc] in comparison to for example LightSpeed (commercial) or NHibernate. Spring.Net also allows you to wrap service interfaces in their contain with a web service facade, but (without having browsed it for a while) I think it's a bit too xmly in its configuration.

Edit 1: With ADO.Net here I mean the default "best practice" with DataSets, DataAdapter and iterating lots of rows from a DataReader; it breeds rather ugly and hard-to-debug code. The N+1 stuff, yes, that is about the entity framework.

(Edit 2: EntityFramework doesn't impress me either!)

Edit 1: Create your domain layer in a separate assembly [aka. Core] and provide all domain and application services there, then import this assembly from your specific MVC application. Wrap data access in some DAO/Repository, through an interface in your core assembly, which your Data assembly then references and implements. Wire up interface and implementation with IoC. You can even program something for dynamic service discovery with the above mentioned service buses, to solve for the interfaces. WCF uses interfaces like this and so do most of the above service busses; you can provide a subcomponentresolver in your IoC container to do this automatically.

Edit 2: A great combo for the above would be CQRS+EventSourcing+ReactiveExtensions. Your write-model would take commands, your domain model would decide whether to accept them, it would push events to the reactive-extensions pipeline, perhaps also over RabbitMQ, which your read-model would consume.

Update 2010-01-02 (edit 1)

The jest of my idea has been codified by something called MindTouch Dream. They have made a screencast where they treat almost all parts of a web application as a (web)-service, which also is exposed with REST.

They have created a highly parallel framework using co-routines to handle this, including their own elastic thread pool.

To all the nay-sayers in this question, in ur face :p! Listen to this screen-cast, especially at 12 minutes.

The actual framework is here.

If you are into this sort of programming, have a look at how monads work and their implementations in C#. You can also read up on CoRoutines.

Happy new year!

Update 2010-11-27 (edit 2)

It turned out CoRoutines got productized with the task parallel library from Microsoft. Your Task now implement the same features, as it implements IAsyncResult. Caliburn is a cool framework that uses them.

Reactive Extensions took the monad comprehensions to the next level of asynchronocity.

The ALT.Net world seems to be moving in the direction I talked about when I wrote this answer the first time, albeit with new types of architectures I knew little of.

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Henrik Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 21:11
