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ASP.NET MVC passing JSON to View from controller

Was wondering what the best way is to pull data from an API (in JSON format). I have code in my controller, which calls an API which returns data.

I want to get the data onto my View so i can display it on a page. I have seen the most documented way by using jQuery/AJAX, but i dont really want the API url's to be made public.

I was thinking of passing an object created from the returned data. But in all honesty i am not sure how to do this!

The below code brings back the data for the products, per user. This works fine.

public static List<productDetails> GetUserProducts(string userid)
    var url = baseUrl + "/product/user/" + userid;

    var syncClient = new WebClient();
    var content = syncClient.DownloadString(url);

    List<productDetails> Products = (List<productDetails>)Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(content, typeof(List<productDetails>));

    return Products;

And at present i am passing the returned data to the page using ViewBag. This does not work well if there is more than one product. I am passing this in the ActionResult for the view.

var p = GetUserProducts(userGuid);

foreach(var product in p)
    ViewBag.pId = product.Id;
    ViewBag.pName = product.FriendlyName;
    ViewBag.pSerial = product.SerialNumber;
    ViewBag.pbatt = product.Location.BatteryCharge + "%";

    ViewBag.devicehistory = "~/Location/History/" + product.Id;

Any ideas/examples would be much appreciated.

like image 949
thatuxguy Avatar asked May 12 '14 08:05


1 Answers

Hope this can give you some idea on how it actually work

Some example of return as actionresult to view


public ActionResult something(string userGuid)
    var p = GetUserProducts(userGuid);
    return view(p); //you can return as partial view  (return PartialView("your partial view name", p));


@model IEnumerable<productDetails>

 foreach (var item in Model)
   @Html.DisplayFor(model => item.Id)
   //and so on


Some example of return as json to view


    public JsonResult something(string userGuid)
        var p = GetUserProducts(userGuid);
        return Json(p, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

call with ajax

$.post( "../something", {userGuid: "foo"}, function( data ) {
like image 139
Se0ng11 Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 18:09
