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ASP.NET MVC + LINQ to SQL or Entities?

When linq to entities was released, everybody say that linq to sql is dead.

But most books and sample projects by microsoft employees, use mvc+linq to sql.

There is some reason for that? The linq to sql seems better for POCO, would it?

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Felipe Pessoto Avatar asked Jun 10 '09 03:06

Felipe Pessoto

1 Answers

Linq to SQL had its origins in a thought experiment. Linq needed a proof of concept, and Linq to SQL provided that.

Since then, many in the user community (including a few prominent Microsoft employees) have embraced Linq to SQL as the lightweight SQL Server ORM of choice, especially for small projects like NerdDinner.

The furor began with this post by the ADO.NET team. In it, they said that Linq to SQL will be maintained, and features added based on user community feedback, but that the Entity Framework would be the primary focus of future data access efforts.

Many in the user community interpreted this move as "Microsoft is killing Linq to SQL."

Microsoft didn't help matters when it disabled the provider model for Linq to SQL by sealing some critical classes, effectively making Linq to SQL usable only with SQL Server. The Entity Framework will be the ORM of choice for multiple data providers.

Unfortunately, the Entity Framework seems not quite ready for prime time.

So it depends on who you believe. Do you believe the speculations (and they are just speculations) of many bloggers who say that Linq to SQL is truly dead and buried, or do you believe people like Damien Guard of Microsoft, who says that Linq to SQL has a long life ahead of it?

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Robert Harvey Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 05:10

Robert Harvey