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ASP.NET MVC Get Route values from a URL

I want to work out what the route values for the UrlReferrer in the controller action would be.

I can't figure out at what part in the MVC pipeline the incoming URL is converted into RouteValues, what I'm trying to achieve is close to that.

like image 823
Kirschstein Avatar asked Feb 14 '11 15:02


1 Answers

You need call RouteTable.Routes.GetRouteData with a mocked HttpContextBase which returns your URL in its Request.

The routes are matched internally using the request's AppRelativeCurrentExecutionFilePath.
However, this functionality is not exposed, so you need to pass an HttpContextBase.

You need to create an HttpContextBase class which returns an HttpRequestBase instance in its request property.
The HttpRequestBase class needs to return your path, beginning with ~/, in its AppRelativeCurrentExecutionFilePath property.

You don't need to implement any other properties, unless they're used by IRouteConstraints.

Someone already wrote this: Creating a RouteData instance from a URL

like image 139
SLaks Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 04:10
