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Array destructuring in JavaScript

I have this code in my vue-js app:

methods: {
    onSubmit() {
      ApiService.post('auth/sign_in', {
        email: this.email,
        password: this.password,
        .then((res) => {
          this.$router.push({ name: 'about' });
        .catch((res) => {
          this.message = res.response.data.errors[0];
          this.msgStatus = true;
          this.msgType = 'error';

While running Eslint I got an error saying "Use array destructuring" (prefer-destructuring) at this line:

this.message = res.response.data.errors[0];

What is array destructuring and how to do this? Please provide me a concept on this. I've researched it but could not figure it out.

like image 828
shreejana Avatar asked Sep 06 '18 05:09


People also ask

What is array Destructuring in JavaScript?

Destructuring in JavaScript is a simplified method of extracting multiple properties from an array by taking the structure and deconstructing it down into its own constituent parts through assignments by using a syntax that looks similar to array literals.

Can we Destructure array?

Destructuring is a JavaScript expression that makes it possible to unpack values from arrays, or properties from objects, into distinct variables. That is, we can extract data from arrays and objects and assign them to variables.

What is Destructuring in JS?

Destructuring is a JavaScript expression that allows us to extract data from arrays, objects, and maps and set them into new, distinct variables. Destructuring allows us to extract multiple properties, or items, from an array​ at a time.

Why would you Destructure an array?

Destructuring can make working with an array return value more concise. In this example, f() returns the values [1, 2] as its output, which can be parsed in a single line with destructuring.

1 Answers

Destucturing is using structure-like syntax on the left-hand-side of an assignment to assign elements of a structure on the right-hand-side to individual variables. For exampple,

let array = [1, 2, 3, 4];
let [first, _, third] = array;

destructures the array [1, 2, 3] and assigns individual elements to first and third (_ being a placeholder, making it skip the second element). Because LHS is shorter than RHS, 4 is also being ignored. It is equivalent to:

let first = array[0];
let third = array[2];

There is also an object destructuring assignment:

let object = {first: 1, second: 2, third: 3, some: 4};
let {first, third, fourth: some} = object;

which is equivalent to

let first = object.first;
let third = object.third;
let fourth = object.some;

Spread operator is also permitted:

let [first, ...rest] = [1, 2, 3];

would assign 1 to first, and [2, 3] to rest.

In your code, it says you could do this instead:

[this.message] = res.response.data.errors;

The documentation on prefer-destructuring lays out what it considers to be "correct".

like image 171
Amadan Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 06:10
