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Arithmetic operations inside templates




I'm trying to add a number to a parameter inside a puppet template as below

"https://localhost:<%= 9443 + @offset %>/service/" 

This gives me the following error.

Detail: String can't be coerced into Fixnum

'offset' is a numeric value. Is it possible to do this kind of arithmetic operations in puppet?

like image 670
Anuruddha Avatar asked Oct 31 '14 14:10


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1 Answers

Everything in puppet is parsed as a string. Give the following a try:

"https://localhost:<%= 9443 + @offset.to_i %>/service/"


"https://localhost:<%= 9443 + Integer(@offset) %>/service/"

Hope this helps.

like image 109
ptierno Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 07:09
