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Are variable length arrays possible with Javascript


I want to make a variable length array in Javascript.

Is this possible. A quick google search for "Javascript variable length array" doesn't seem to yield anything, which would be surprising if it were possible to do this.

Should I instead have a String that I keep appending to with a separator character instead, or is there a better way to get a varible length array-like variable.

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Ankur Avatar asked Mar 24 '10 02:03


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1 Answers

Javascript arrays are not fixed-length; you can do anything you want to at any index.

In particular, you're probably looking for the push method:

var arr = []; arr.push(2);            //Add an element arr.push("abc");        //Not necessarily a good idea. arr[0] = 3;             //Change an existing element arr[2] = 100;           //Add an element arr.pop();              //Returns 100, and removes it from the array 

For more information, see the documentation.

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SLaks Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 20:09
