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Text -> Diagram Tool [closed]


I'm looking for an diagram tool for producing diagrams from text. I only really need sequence and state type diagrams for now, but I'm curious as to what people would recommend? I need something which is standalone, not a web based tool that works on Linux, OSX and Windows.

like image 856
Jon Avatar asked Apr 22 '10 17:04


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For full syntax of the text file, see: http://plantuml.sourceforge.net/index.html 1. Install the extension from Chrome Web Store. 2. Open text file from web server with UML diagram definition in browser (the text starts with @startuml).

1 Answers

I'm not positive what you mean by "producing diagrams from text", but if you mean a tool where diagrams are specified by a text file, Graphviz is good. If you mean something that literally converts ascii art like

+--------+   +-------+    +-------+ |        | --+ ditaa +--> |       | |  Text  |   +-------+    |diagram| |Document|   |!magic!|    |       | |     {d}|   |       |    |       | +---+----+   +-------+    +-------+     :                         ^     |       Lots of work      |     +-------------------------+ 

to a graphic:

enter image description here

You can try ditaa (that ascii art is from their website, so it's a good example of the input format it expects)

like image 71
Michael Mrozek Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 16:10

Michael Mrozek