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How has C++ changed in the past decade? [closed]


I've barely/rarely used C++ in the past decade, and now it looks like I'll be doing something in it again. I'm looking forward to it, but have to wonder how it's changed since I last used it.

Are there any good / brief web pages, blog posts, or even books on how C++ has changed in the past decade?

Please note this question is regarding the language as well as tools or any additional information about working in C++. Specifically I'm working in Windows, using VC++2008.

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John MacIntyre Avatar asked Aug 03 '10 20:08

John MacIntyre

People also ask

Has C language changed over time?

1) in 1969 at AT&T's Bell Labs. In 1972, Dennis Ritchie and Brian Kernighan delivered the quintessential book, The C Programming Language, that defined C. C has progressed over the years although it has changed less than most other popular languages. The latest standard is C11.

How did C language evolved?

C programming language was developed in 1972 by Dennis Ritchie at bell laboratories of AT&T (American Telephone & Telegraph), located in the U.S.A. Dennis Ritchie is known as the founder of the c language. It was developed to overcome the problems of previous languages such as B, BCPL, etc.

Why is C still important today?

C exists everywhere in the modern world. A lot of applications, including Microsoft Windows, run on C. Even Python, one of the most popular languages, was built on C. Modern applications add new features implemented using high-level languages, but a lot of their existing functionalities use C.

Is C close to the metal?

“The C [programming language's] memory management is considered close-to-the-metal compared to other application languages because one can easily see and do mathematics on actual hardware RAM addresses (or something pretty close to them).”

2 Answers

While the official standard hasn't changed much over the past decade or so, there are several things of importance that have happened:

  • while it's not an official standard yet, an upcoming new standard (commonly called C++0x) is 'around the corner'. GCC and MSVC 2010 have incorporated significant parts of that new standard, but I'm not sure how much is in common use.
  • the Boost library has become a major player in providing additional support for the language - to the point that it was a significant influence on the new standard
  • 'template-based' programming techniques have become much more prevalent, probably overtaking the older 'inheritence-based' techniques of code reuse (this might have been well underway when you last looked at C++ depending on the practives your shop may have been using at the time).
  • compilers (and in particular Microsoft's) have come a long way in standards compliance
like image 172
Michael Burr Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 20:10

Michael Burr

The biggest change is that C++ standard actually works in all major compilers now. Things like member templates used to be iffy.

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user3458 Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 20:10
