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Are there any naming convention guidelines for REST APIs? [closed]

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WHAT ARE THE REST API resources naming conventions?

REST APIs are typically structured in a hierarchy: for example, https://api.example.com/users/123/first-name will retrieve the first name of the user with ID number 123. The forward slash (“/”) character should be used to navigate this hierarchy, moving from general to specific when going from left to right in the URI.

How should I name my API?

Names used in APIs should be in correct American English. For example, license (instead of licence), color (instead of colour). Commonly accepted short forms or abbreviations of long words may be used for brevity. For example, API is preferred over Application Programming Interface.

Should REST endpoints be Camelcase?

The standard best practice for REST APIs is to have a hyphen, not camelcase or underscores.

I think you should avoid camel caps. The norm is to use lower case letters. I would also avoid underscores and use dashes instead

So your URL should look like this (ignoring the design issues as you requested :-))


The REST API for Dropbox, Twitter, Google Web Services and Facebook all uses underscores.

Look closely at URI's for ordinary web resources. Those are your template. Think of directory trees; use simple Linux-like file and directory names.

HelloWorld isn't a really good class of resources. It doesn't appear to be a "thing". It might be, but it isn't very noun-like. A greeting is a thing.

user-id might be a noun that you're fetching. It's doubtful, however, that the result of your request is only a user_id. It's much more likely that the result of the request is a User. Therefore, user is the noun you're fetching


Makes sense to me. Focus on making your REST request a kind of noun phrase -- a path through a hierarchy (or taxonomy, or directory). Use the simplest nouns possible, avoiding noun phrases if possible.

Generally, compound noun phrases usually mean another step in your hierarchy. So you don't have /hello-world/user/ and /hello-universe/user/. You have /hello/world/user/ and hello/universe/user/. Or possibly /world/hello/user/ and /universe/hello/user/.

The point is to provide a navigation path among resources.

'UserId' is wholly the wrong approach. The Verb (HTTP Methods) and Noun approach is what Roy Fielding meant for The REST architecture. The Nouns are either:

  1. A Collection of things
  2. A thing

One good naming convention is:

[POST or Create](To the *collection*)

[GET or Read](of *one* thing)

[PUT or Update](of *one* thing)

[DELETE](of *one* thing)

[GET or Search](of a *collection*, FRIENDLY URL)

[GET or Search](of a *collection*, Normal URL)

Where {media_type} is one of: json, xml, rss, pdf, png, even html.

It is possible to distinguish the collection by adding an 's' at the end, like:

'users.json' *collection of things*
'user/id_value.json' *single thing*

But this means you have to keep track of where you have put the 's' and where you haven't. Plus half the planet (Asians for starters) speaks languages without explicit plurals so the URL is less friendly to them.

No. REST has nothing to do with URI naming conventions. If you include these conventions as part of your API, out-of-band, instead of only via hypertext, then your API is not RESTful.

For more information, see http://roy.gbiv.com/untangled/2008/rest-apis-must-be-hypertext-driven

Domain names are not case sensitive but the rest of the URI certainly can be. It's a big mistake to assume URIs are not case sensitive.