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Are there any alternatives to Rational Team Concert at the moment? [closed]

we are a team of about 100 developers working in an iterative development style. We are looking for a solution that will allow us to aggregate all development artifacts in one collaborative environment. Rationals Team Concert is bringing a lot of what we are looking for issue tracking combined with project management and soure code management integration as well as reporting.

While Team Concert is bringing a lot of features it is also quite expensive.

Thats why I am looking for alternatives. I wasn't able to find a product which is providing the same functionality so I guess Rational is ahead of other companies in this market.

Do you know of any competitive products? Can you suggest a combination of preferrably Open Source products that could serve us well?

Thanks in advance for your help!

cheers Mike

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marksml Avatar asked Jul 13 '09 13:07


2 Answers

I guess a Redmine setup plus a DVCS (like Git), combined with eclipse and Mylyn would be the closest open-source alternative to Rational Team Concert.

You still would miss some nice features like instant messaging and stack debugging transfer (the ability to freeze a live execution and transfer it to a colleague), but that would be a good start.

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VonC Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 05:09


Fair disclosure: I work for IBM. Fair answer: You get what you pay for. There are plenty of open source alternatives. None are as good as Team Concert and I firmly stand behind that. Have your IBM representative do a business value assessment and show you what your return on investment will be if you purchase Team Concert. They should be able to provide you these numbers. Either it makes business sense, or it doesn't. Having 100 developers who aren't working efficiently is quite costly.

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Benjamin Chodroff Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 05:09

Benjamin Chodroff