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WCF Interop with Axis2 using WS-Trust

We are trying to get WCF and Java talking to each other using SAML tokens issued from an STS. Despite the fact that both sides are compliant with the standards, WS-Security, WS-Trust, WS-Policy, etc., they don't seem to talk to each other and one or the other will throw cryptic exceptions or ignore security headers.

We are using .NET 3.5, WCF Federation binding on the MS side, and Axis2/Rampart/Rahas on the java side.

Has anyone ever been able to make this work?

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Greg Ennis Avatar asked Apr 24 '09 12:04

Greg Ennis

2 Answers

Axis2 is incomplete in terms of WS standards compliance.

I recently (in the last month) went through a POC phase where Axis2 failed my WS-* compliance tests (specifically WS-AT, WS-Coordination).

Have a look at "Project Metro". Sun and Microsoft collaborated on getting WCF and JAX-WS interop "right".

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johnwalker00 Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 17:10


I would also not recommand going for Axis2 on the Java side, if you can. Would be easier with Glassfish or JAX-WS apparently, althoug I never tested it.

I ran into those kind of issues as well when trying to make WCF and Axis2 cooperate. Check the version of the standard used in the WSDL file, those were not matching in our case.

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Philippe Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 15:10
