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Are scheduled UILocalNotifications part of iOS device backup?

I mean, our app schedules a couple of local notifications. User makes a backup of the system and restores it on a new device. Will previously scheduled local notifications fire on the new system, or do we need to reschedule them again on the new system?

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Vilém Kurz Avatar asked Sep 21 '11 13:09

Vilém Kurz

1 Answers

Finally I forced myself to do the test. The result:

YES - scheduled local notifications are part of backup, this means they are restored and scheduled on the new device. The restore overwrites any previously scheduled local notifications for the same app on the target device. Even icon badge number is preserved in backup and restored to the new device - showed on the icon.

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Vilém Kurz Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 07:09

Vilém Kurz