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Are nullable types reference types?

People also ask

IS null value a reference type?

null does not reference to anything. It is just a type points to nothing.

Should you use nullable reference types?

You must explicitly opt in to use these features in your existing projects. That provides a migration path and preserves backwards compatibility. Nullable contexts enable fine-grained control for how the compiler interprets reference type variables. The nullable annotation context determines the compiler's behavior.

Which statement is true about nullable type?

Characteristics of Nullable TypesNullable types can only be used with value types. The Value property will throw an InvalidOperationException if value is null; otherwise it will return the value. The HasValue property returns true if the variable contains a value, or false if it is null. You can only use == and !=

What do you mean by nullable type?

The Nullable type allows you to assign a null value to a variable. Nullable types introduced in C#2.0 can only work with Value Type, not with Reference Type. The nullable types for Reference Type is introduced later in C# 8.0 in 2019 so that we can explicitly define if a reference type can or can not hold a null value.

No, a nullable is a struct. What is happening is that the nullable struct has two values:

  1. The value of the data type (int for int?, DateTime for DateTime?, etc.).
  2. A boolean value which tells if the data type value has been set. (HasValue is the property.)

When you set the value of the data type, the struct changes HasValue to true.

Nullable types (C# Programming Guide)

From Nullable Types (C# Programming Guide):

Nullable types are instances of the System.Nullable struct.


Nullable types represent value-type variables that can be assigned the value of null. You cannot create a nullable type based on a reference type. (Reference types already support the null value.)

So, no they're not reference types.

Nullable types are neither value types nor reference types. They are more like value types, but have a few properties of reference types.

Naturally, nullable types may be set to null. Furthermore, a nullable type cannot satisfy a generic struct constraint. Also, when you box a nullable type with HasValue equal to false, you get a null pointer instead of a boxed nullable type (a similar situation exists with unboxing).

These properties make nullable types non-value types, but they sure aren't reference types either. They are their own special nullable-value type.

No, the Nullable type is in fact a struct. The runtime will intelligently handle the setting of a null value for you, giving the appearance of a reference type, when it's not....

Nullable types cannot be reference types.


You shouldn't need to make a reference type a nullable type as you can pass null in its place.