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Creating a temporary directory in Windows?

People also ask

What is temporary directory in Windows?

The Temp folder is a directory on your Windows PC used to store temporary files. Clearing the Temp folder is a standard procedure for system administration to reduce the amount of storage space used.

Does Windows 10 have a Temp folder?

Note: And, you can also find the temporary files in the "Temp" folder by typing the "temp" command or by typing the "C:\Windows\Temp" path in the Run window. Similarly, you can open the "%temp%" folder by typing the following path in the Run Window, "C:\Users\[Username]\AppData\Local\Temp".

Where is the C Temp directory?

The folder is easily created and deleted by the user. Windows creates a temporary folder in c:\windows\temp as a common folder for temporary use by applications. See temporary file and temporary Internet files.

No, there is no equivalent to mkdtemp. The best option is to use a combination of GetTempPath and GetRandomFileName.

You would need code similar to this:

public string GetTemporaryDirectory()
   string tempDirectory = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), Path.GetRandomFileName());
   return tempDirectory;

I hack Path.GetTempFileName() to give me a valid, pseudo-random filepath on disk, then delete the file, and create a directory with the same file path.

This avoids the need for checking if the filepath is available in a while or loop, per Chris' comment on Scott Dorman's answer.

public string GetTemporaryDirectory()
  string tempFolder = Path.GetTempFileName();

  return tempFolder;

If you truly need a cryptographically secure random name, you may want to adapt Scott's answer to use a while or do loop to keep trying to create a path on disk.

I like to use GetTempPath(), a GUID-creation function like CoCreateGuid(), and CreateDirectory().

A GUID is designed to have a high probability of uniqueness, and it's also highly improbable that someone would manually create a directory with the same form as a GUID (and if they do then CreateDirectory() will fail indicating its existence.)

@Chris. I too was obsessed with the remote risk that a temporary directory might already exist. The discussions about random and cryptographically strong don’t completely satisfy me either.

My approach builds on the fundamental fact that the O/S must not allow 2 calls to create a file to both succeed. It is a little surprising that .NET designers chose to hide the Win32 API functionality for directories, which makes this much easier, because it does return an error when you attempt to create a directory for the second time. Here is what I use:

    [DllImport(@"kernel32.dll", EntryPoint = "CreateDirectory", SetLastError = true, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
    [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]
    private static extern bool CreateDirectoryApi
        ([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPTStr)] string lpPathName, IntPtr lpSecurityAttributes);

    /// <summary>
    /// Creates the directory if it does not exist.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="directoryPath">The directory path.</param>
    /// <returns>Returns false if directory already exists. Exceptions for any other errors</returns>
    /// <exception cref="System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception"></exception>
    internal static bool CreateDirectoryIfItDoesNotExist([NotNull] string directoryPath)
        if (directoryPath == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("directoryPath");

        // First ensure parent exists, since the WIN Api does not

        if (!CreateDirectoryApi(directoryPath, lpSecurityAttributes: IntPtr.Zero))
            Win32Exception lastException = new Win32Exception();

            const int ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS = 183;
            if (lastException.NativeErrorCode == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) return false;

            throw new System.IO.IOException(
                "An exception occurred while creating directory'" + directoryPath + "'".NewLine() + lastException);

        return true;

You get to decide whether the "cost/risk" of unmanaged p/invoke code is worth it. Most would say it is not, but at least you now have a choice.

CreateParentFolder() is left as an exercise to the student. I use Directory.CreateDirectory(). Be careful getting the parent of a directory, since it is null when at the root.