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Initializing IEnumerable<string> In C#




People also ask

How do you initialize an IEnumerable string?

public static IEnumerable<T> CreateEnumerable<T>(params T[] values) => values; //And then use it IEnumerable<string> myStrings = CreateEnumerable("first item", "second item");//etc..

What is IEnumerable string?

IEnumerable is an interface defining a single method GetEnumerator() that returns an IEnumerator interface. It is the base interface for all non-generic collections that can be enumerated. This works for read-only access to a collection that implements that IEnumerable can be used with a foreach statement.

What is IEnumerable string in C#?

IEnumerable in C# is an interface that defines one method, GetEnumerator which returns an IEnumerator interface. This allows readonly access to a collection then a collection that implements IEnumerable can be used with a for-each statement.

How do you add an IEnumerable?

What you can do is use the Add extension method to create a new IEnumerable<T> with the added value. var items = new string[]{"foo"}; var temp = items; items = items. Add("bar");

Ok, adding to the answers stated you might be also looking for

IEnumerable<string> m_oEnum = Enumerable.Empty<string>();


IEnumerable<string> m_oEnum = new string[]{};

IEnumerable<T> is an interface. You need to initiate with a concrete type (that implements IEnumerable<T>). Example:

IEnumerable<string> m_oEnum = new List<string>() { "1", "2", "3"};

As string[] implements IEnumerable

IEnumerable<string> m_oEnum = new string[] {"1","2","3"}

IEnumerable is just an interface and so can't be instantiated directly.

You need to create a concrete class (like a List)

IEnumerable<string> m_oEnum = new List<string>() { "1", "2", "3" };

you can then pass this to anything expecting an IEnumerable.