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Approximate cost to access various caches and main memory?

Can anyone give me the approximate time (in nanoseconds) to access L1, L2 and L3 caches, as well as main memory on Intel i7 processors?

While this isn't specifically a programming question, knowing these kinds of speed details is neccessary for some low-latency programming challenges.

like image 628
Ted Graham Avatar asked Oct 15 '22 09:10

Ted Graham

People also ask

Is cache more expensive than main memory?

In order to be close to the processor, cache memory needs to be much smaller than main memory. Consequently, it has less storage space. It is also more expensive than main memory, as it is a more complex chip that yields higher performance. What it sacrifices in size and price, it makes up for in speed.

Is cache memory expensive?

The more cache memory a computer has, the faster it runs. However, because of its high-speed performance, cache memory is more expensive to build than RAM. Therefore, cache memory tends to be very small in size.

How much is a computer cache?

The L2 cache size varies depending on the CPU, but its size is typically between 256KB to 8MB. Most modern CPUs will pack more than a 256KB L2 cache, and this size is now considered small. Furthermore, some of the most powerful modern CPUs have a larger L2 memory cache, exceeding 8MB.

Why is cache costly?

Short answer: because registers, cache and main memory are built in different ways so there is a trade-off between fast/expensive and slowish/cheaper.

2 Answers

Numbers everyone should know

           0.5 ns - CPU L1 dCACHE reference
           1   ns - speed-of-light (a photon) travel a 1 ft (30.5cm) distance
           5   ns - CPU L1 iCACHE Branch mispredict
           7   ns - CPU L2  CACHE reference
          71   ns - CPU cross-QPI/NUMA best  case on XEON E5-46*
         100   ns - MUTEX lock/unlock
         100   ns - own DDR MEMORY reference
         135   ns - CPU cross-QPI/NUMA best  case on XEON E7-*
         202   ns - CPU cross-QPI/NUMA worst case on XEON E7-*
         325   ns - CPU cross-QPI/NUMA worst case on XEON E5-46*
      10,000   ns - Compress 1K bytes with Zippy PROCESS
      20,000   ns - Send 2K bytes over 1 Gbps NETWORK
     250,000   ns - Read 1 MB sequentially from MEMORY
     500,000   ns - Round trip within a same DataCenter
  10,000,000   ns - DISK seek
  10,000,000   ns - Read 1 MB sequentially from NETWORK
  30,000,000   ns - Read 1 MB sequentially from DISK
 150,000,000   ns - Send a NETWORK packet CA -> Netherlands
|   |   |   |
|   |   | ns|
|   | us|
| ms|

From: Originally by Peter Norvig:
- http://norvig.com/21-days.html#answers
- http://surana.wordpress.com/2009/01/01/numbers-everyone-should-know/,
- http://sites.google.com/site/io/building-scalable-web-applications-with-google-app-engine

a visual comparison

like image 223
Andrey Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 22:10


Here is a Performance Analysis Guide for the i7 and Xeon range of processors. I should stress, this has what you need and more (for example, check page 22 for some timings & cycles for example).

Additionally, this page has some details on clock cycles etc. The second link served the following numbers:

Core i7 Xeon 5500 Series Data Source Latency (approximate)               [Pg. 22]

local  L1 CACHE hit,                              ~4 cycles (   2.1 -  1.2 ns )
local  L2 CACHE hit,                             ~10 cycles (   5.3 -  3.0 ns )
local  L3 CACHE hit, line unshared               ~40 cycles (  21.4 - 12.0 ns )
local  L3 CACHE hit, shared line in another core ~65 cycles (  34.8 - 19.5 ns )
local  L3 CACHE hit, modified in another core    ~75 cycles (  40.2 - 22.5 ns )

remote L3 CACHE (Ref: Fig.1 [Pg. 5])        ~100-300 cycles ( 160.7 - 30.0 ns )

local  DRAM                                                   ~60 ns
remote DRAM                                                  ~100 ns

The most important is the notice under the cited table, saying:


EDIT: I should highlight that, as well as timing/cycle information, the above intel document addresses much more (extremely) useful details of the i7 and Xeon range of processors (from a performance point of view).

like image 88
Dave Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 21:10
