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Any way to force strict mode in node?



People also ask

How do you run node js in strict mode?

Strict mode example js file: const strictMode = require('./modules/strict'); strictMode. preventExtension();

How do you invoke strict mode?

To invoke strict mode for an entire script, put the exact statement "use strict"; (or 'use strict'; ) before any other statements.

Does node need use strict?

All Node. js code are interpreted by the V8 JavaScript engine. The V8 JavaScript Engine is an open source JavaScript engine developed by Google for Chrome web browser. So, there will be no major difference how "use strict"; is interpreted by the Chrome browser and Node.

According to Lloyd you can now place

"use strict";

at the top of your file in node >= 0.10.7, but if you want your whole app to run in strict (including external modules) you can do this

node --use_strict

In node 0.10.7 you can enforce strict mode at file level by placing "use strict"; at the top of your file. Finally!

You can also use


that is, write once


or even take a step forward and use


Please note that use-strict will turn on strict more on every module required after invocation.

If you prefer a not invasive approach, I wrote another module


which enables strict mode only in your package. I think that is more a "Do What I Mean" solution.

Just use "use strict"; at the top of applicable files. I know it's tempting to try to cut out boilerplate, but it simply can not be done in Javascript. The node flag which shall not be named[1]

  • is undocumented, and unsupported by Node itself.
  • has faced proposals to remove it.
  • is node-specific and is not supported in any other JavaScript engine.
  • is unstandardized.
  • it is not the same as "use strict"; because it is a compiler global, and like all globals you're potentially adversely impacting someone else's code.
  • everything is subject to bugs. strict mode and sloppy-mode may be subject to different bugs. that is to say, some strict mode bugs are unique to strict mode

Some other programmers may think this is similar to -wALL or the like, it's not. This is standardized functionality that you're enabling in an ad-hoc fashion (breaking the standard) and changing everyone's compiler semantics.


  1. The node flag is --use_strict. Don't use it.

You can also provide the strict flag on the shebang interpreter directive.

#!/usr/bin/env node --use_strict

But currently (at least pre v0.9.x) it suffers the same problems described by the comments in @chad-scira's answer discuss.

It's worth noting that ESLint enforces strict mode by default. It won't stop you from running node on a file that doesn't adhere to strict mode of course, but if you have ESLint as a required part of your build and CI process, then developers will only be able to commit strict-mode code.