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Any way to declare a nest class structure in typescript?



I'm interested in defining an existing framework (openlayers.d.ts) but cannot figure out how to express the fact that OpenLayers.Layer is both a class and a namespace for OpenLayers.Layer.Markers. I believe this makes Markers a nested class of Layer.


l = new OpenLayers.Layer(...); // this is a base class, never do this m = new OpenLayers.Layer.Markers(...); 

How would you declare both the Layer and Markers class in typescript?

like image 523
Corey Alix Avatar asked Nov 21 '12 14:11

Corey Alix

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1 Answers

This seems like it has been fixed in versions and later. You just have to create a module with the same name as the class where you want to nest types, and put your nested types in it.

More concretely, this is how you do it:

declare module a {     class b     {     }      module b     {         class c         {         }     } }  var myB = new a.b(); var myC = new a.b.c(); 

This works as well when nesting types in typescript code with the export keyword:

export module a {     export class b     {     }      export module b     {         export enum c         {             C1 = 1,             C2 = 2,             C3 = 3,         }     } } 

As mentioned by the user @recursive in the comments below, the order of declaration is important. So the class definition must be located before the module with the nested types.

like image 196
sboisse Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 00:09
