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Typescript interface for objects with some known and some unknown property names



I have an object where all the keys are string, some of the values are string and the rest are objects in this form:

var object = {     "fixedKey1": "something1",     "fixedKey2": "something2",     "unknownKey1": { 'param1': [1,2,3], 'param2': "some2", 'param3': 'some3'},     "unknownKey2": { 'param1': [1,2,3], 'param2': "some2", 'param3': 'some3'},     "unknownKey3": { 'param1': [1,2,3], 'param2': "some2", 'param3': 'some3'},     ...     ... }; 

In this object fixedKey1 and fixedKey2 are the known keys which will be there in that object. unknownKey - value pair can vary from 1-n.

I tried defining the interface of the object as:

interface IfcObject {     [keys: string]: {         param1: number[];         param2: string;          param3: string;   } } 

But this throws the following error:

Variable of type number is not assignable of type object

Which I found out that it is not able to assign this interface to "fixedKey - value" pair.

So, how can I do the type checking of this kind of variables?

like image 545
yugantar kumar Avatar asked Jul 08 '16 06:07

yugantar kumar

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TypeScript Interface TypeTypeScript allows you to specifically type an object using an interface that can be reused by multiple objects. To create an interface, use the interface keyword followed by the interface name and the typed object.

2 Answers

It's not exactly what you want, but you can use a union type:

interface IfcObject {     fixedKey1: string     fixedKey2: string     [key: string]: string | {         param1: number[];         param2: string;          param3: string;     } } 

It covers your case. But the unknown properties could be of type string.

like image 188
Paleo Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 01:09


export interface IfcObjectValues {     param1: number[];     param2: string;     param3: string;         }  interface MyInterface {   fixedKey1: string,   fixedKey2: number,   [x: string]: IfcObjectValues,  } 

Your code in action, see here.

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bersling Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 03:09
