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How to import all modules from a directory in TypeScript?



In TypeScript handbook few techniques for importing modules are described:

  • Import a single export from a module: import { ZipCodeValidator } from "./ZipCodeValidator";
  • Import a single export from a module and rename it: import { ZipCodeValidator as ZCV } from "./ZipCodeValidator";
  • Import entire module: import * as validator from "./ZipCodeValidator";

I expect there's one more option but nowhere I can find it. Is it possible to import all modules from a given directory?

I guess the syntax should be more or less like this: import * from "./Converters".

like image 749
Arkadiusz Kałkus Avatar asked Nov 20 '16 10:11

Arkadiusz Kałkus

1 Answers

No this is not possible. What most people do is create an index.js file which re-exports all files in the same directory.


my-module/   a.ts   b.ts   index.ts 


export default function hello() {   console.log("hello"); } 


export default function world() {   console.log("world"); } 


export { default as A } from "./a"; export { default as B } from "./b"; 

You can use the * character to re-export every export of a module with a single line. Be aware that TypeScript will error if a member with the same name has already been exported though (thanks to @haysclark for the tip).

export * from "./somePath"; 

The index name can be dropped (same as in javascript):

import * as whatever from "./my-module";  console.log(whatever); // Logs: { A: [Function: hello], B: [Function: world] } 
like image 166
marvinhagemeister Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 14:09
