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Any way to automatically wrap comments at column 80 in Visual Studio 2008? ..or display where column 80 is?

Is there any way to automatically wrap comments at the 80-column boundary as you type them? ..or failing that, any way to display a faint line at the coulmn 80 boundary to make wrapping them manually a little easier?

Several other IDEs I use have one or other of those functions and it makes writing comments that wrap in sensible places much easier/quicker.

[Edit] If (like me) you're using Visual C++ Express, you need to change the VisualStudio part of the key into VCExpress - had me confused for a while there!

like image 401
Jon Cage Avatar asked Sep 26 '08 10:09

Jon Cage

1 Answers

Take a look at the question here: Hidden Features of Visual Studio (2005-2010)?

It shows how to do that:

"Under "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\8.0\Text Editor" Create a String called "Guides" with the value "RGB(255,0,0) 79" to have a red line at column 80 in the text editor."

like image 55
Grokys Avatar answered Jan 12 '23 06:01
