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VisualStudio project with multiple sourcefiles of the same name?

i have a largish C++ project, with source-files organised in multiple folders (on the filesystem).

in two of these folders, i have files with the same name. e.g.


the project is cross platform, and i use autoconf on linux and OSX, but have to use MSVC on W32 (due to some 3rd party C++ libraries i use on W32 and the C++ binary interface incompatibilities across compilers)

on the MSVC side, the project is organized into multiple "Filters" (those virtual Folders) as well (with names roughly corresponding to the Directories the files live in), so i can distinguish them.

now the problem is, when i build the project, MSVC puts the object files in a single flat diretory, and i end up with:


as can be seen, there's only one File.obj, so one binary object is missing. obviously, the linker complains, since it cannot find classes/functions/... defined in that missing object file.

is there a way to tell MSVC to create object files with a unique name depending on the directories (or filters) those files live in?

i imagine something like:




or whatever. all other build-systems i know (CMake, autotools) are able to deal with multiple files of the same name.

this question is similar to 3729515, but i'm currently stuck to VS2008. (the solution suggested there for VS2008 - to set the Object-Directory for each file in question - is something which indeed works theoretically, but which i would like to avoid for practical reasons)

like image 986
umläute Avatar asked Jan 16 '13 17:01


People also ask

Can you have multiple cpp files in project?

Visual C++ For creating more code files to go into a project, use the "Add New Item" under the "Project" menu to add new C++ code files. An executable can consist of many files, but can have only one main() function!

How do I create a new file in the same project in Visual Studio?

You can add existing files to your project by right-clicking on the Project node and selecting Add > Add Files.... Alternatively, to add an entire folder, select Add > Add Existing Folder.... The file browser is shown. It lets you search your system for the required item to add.

2 Answers

Maybe you can set the project wide 'object file name' (Configurtion Properties->C/C++->Output Files) to


which uses the relative source folder of the source files. Note the %, but this gets ugly if your source files are located out of your project directory, containing ..\

like image 53
yoshi5534 Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 02:09


You can set a file-specific project setting for one (or both) of the files that conflict and set the "Object File Name" property to:


Just right-click the filename instead of the project name to set the property for that file only.

For example, if you do that for \MyProject\foo\File.cpp then the object file for that source file will go to \MyProject\foo\Release\File.obj so it won't conflict with the object file for \MyProject\bar\File.cpp.

The drawbacks to this are that it can clutter your source tree with compiler outputs (but hopefully there aren't too many), and - even worse - file-specific project settings tend to get forgotten/hidden since they're not called out in the IDE at all. If sometime down the road you (or someone else) needs to change things, it can be quite a mystery about why the build acts so strangely for particular files until someone screws around with it for a half a day until it dawns on them what's going on.

I would personally prefer that a project-wide setting of $(InputDir)\$(IntDir)\ would cause object files to go to directories relative to the source file, but it actually doesn't work well at all as a project level setting. In that case VS still only sets the output directory once and it ends up being relative to the first source file in the list. Then the linker gets confused about where it should look for object files.

like image 42
Michael Burr Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 02:09

Michael Burr