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Any way to add a new line from a string with the '\n' character in flask?




I was playing around with flask when I came across an odd problem with the '\n' character. it dosen't seem to have an effect in my browser, I tried putting
in there but it didn't work, any ideas?

from flask import Flask from flask import render_template test=Flask(__name__) @test.route('/') def root():     str='yay\nsuper'     return str test.run(debug=True) 
like image 549
ollien Avatar asked Sep 03 '12 08:09


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1 Answers

So it turns out that flask autoescapes html tags. So adding the <br> tag just renders them on screen instead of actually creating line breaks.

There are two workarounds to this:

  1. Break up the text into an array

    text = text.split('\n') 

    And then within the template, use a for loop:

    {% for para in text %}     <p>{{para}}</p> {% endfor %} 
  2. Disable the autoescaping

    First we replace the \n with <br> using replace:

    text = text.replace('\n', '<br>') 

    Then we disable the autoescaping by surrounding the block where we require this with

    {% autoescape false %}     {{text}} {% endautoescape %} 

    However, we are discouraged from doing this:

    Whenever you do this, please be very cautious about the variables you are using in this block.

I think the first version avoids the vulnerabilities present in the second version, while still being quite easy to understand.

like image 194
Samarth Hattangady Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 22:09

Samarth Hattangady