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Any libraries available for doing LINQ over Entity Attribute Value pattern?

Does anyone know of any libraries which implement an abstraction in LINQ over the Entity Attribute Value (EAV) pattern? I have a large legacy EAV database and I'm trying to create a cleaner data access layer and the thought of using LINQ really appeals so I'm looking for any code I can use to jumpstart.

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JC Grubbs Avatar asked Oct 05 '09 01:10

JC Grubbs

People also ask

What is EAV storage?

EAV (Entity-attribute-value) is a model of storing the values of entity attributes in a certain data storage. As a data storage, Magento 2 supports MySQL-compatible databases (like MySQL, MySQL NDB Cluster, MariaDB, Percona and others).

What is EAV table design?

EAV vs row modelling Entity-Attribute-Value design is a generalisation of row modelling. It means that all types of facts are recorded in a single table across the entire database, where a row-modelled table is homogeneous in the facts that it describes.

What is EAV architecture?

Entity–attribute–value model (EAV) is a data model to encode, in a space-efficient manner, entities where the number of attributes (properties, parameters) that can be used to describe them is potentially vast, but the number that will actually apply to a given entity is relatively modest.

What is attribute value database?

In relational databases, attributes are the describing characteristics or properties that define all items pertaining to a certain category applied to all cells of a column. The rows, instead, are called tuples, and represent data sets applied to a single entity to uniquely identify each item.

1 Answers

Having been involved in several LINQ providers, I can say there's no LINQ abstractions for EAV that I'm aware of. I think you're SOL.

I know you said you've inherited an existing EAV database, but if you have an option to use something else, perhaps this post will sway you away from EAV. :-)

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Judah Gabriel Himango Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 04:11

Judah Gabriel Himango