Judah Gabriel Himango has asked 45
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45 questions
186 answers
Web developer, speaker, entrepreneur, startup founder, musician, dad, husband, Jewish follower of Jesus.
I created Youth Service Network's YsnMN. It's an awesome project to help homeless youth in Minnesota. I
blogged about it here, and that blog post made it to the front
page of HackerNews - woohooo!)
I created Chavah, a Pandora-like PWA for the Messianic Jewish religious community.
I'm a RavenDB enthusiast and helped create Raven Studio.
I help run Twin Cities Code Camp and built TwinCitiesCodeCamp.com.
I built 3M's Visual Attention Software.
I'm the creator of MessianicChords.com, an ad-free HTML5 site for lyrics and guitar chords to Messianic Jewish music.
I built EtzMitzvot.com, a fun project visualizing the relationship between commandments in the Hebrew Bible.
I blog about software at DebuggerDotBreak, and on life and faith over at Kineti.