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a:not(a:not([href])) selector

I want that a certain action to be associated to the click event of the anchor tag whenever its href attribute:

  • does not start with mailto: and
  • does not end with # and
  • is present with any value including empty

So I was trying this code:

<a href="example.com">example.com</a>
<a href="mailto:[email protected]">Someone</a>
<a href="thepage#">The Page</a>
<a>This does nothing</a>

<script type="text/javascript">
    $(document).on('click', 'a:not([href^="mailto\\:"], [href$="\\#"], [href])', myFunction);

And it didn't work. But to my dismay this works:

$(document).on('click', 'a:not([href^="mailto\\:"], [href$="\\#"], a:not([href]))', myFunction);

But I don't understand how. Notice the inner :not(). As I understand the [href] means there is no href attribute. Or is it the opposite?

Could someone lead me to the light?

like image 819
Clodoaldo Neto Avatar asked Jul 26 '12 19:07

Clodoaldo Neto

1 Answers

[href] means there is an href attribute no matter which, if any, value it has.

As pimvdb correctly pointed out, you could use

a[href]:not([href^="mailto\\:"], [href$="\\#"])

Which means "all a elements with any href attribute, except those whose href attribute starts with mailto: or ends with #

like image 176
Prinzhorn Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 17:10
