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.bind('input', function(){}) not working in IE8

I've been using .bind('input') with jQuery because it seems to best solution for detecting if they copy/paste into the box, or just type and then select from the browser given drop down menu. My problem with others such as change() is that, at least for me, they only trigger when the user's focus on the box is lost.

My problem is that .bind('input') doesn't work for me in IE8, yet works in Firefox 4/5. I have tried looking for alternatives to this but have come up empty. Any suggestion?

like image 913
Nicholas Avatar asked Jul 12 '11 18:07


1 Answers

The input event is not supported below IE9. You can get more information about the input event here: http://help.dottoro.com/ljhxklln.php

I haven't tested yet, but this document says you can use a onpropertychange event instead.

like image 53
Sanghyun Lee Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 11:11

Sanghyun Lee