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Animate CAShapeLayer path change

I'm trying to animate change of path property of CAShapeLayer like this:

animatePathChange(for: progressLayer, toPath: progressPath.cgPath)
progressLayer.path = progressPath.cgPath

And this isanimatePathChangefunction code:

func animatePathChange(for layer: CAShapeLayer, toPath: CGPath) {
    let animation = CABasicAnimation(keyPath: "path")
    animation.duration = 1.0
    animation.fromValue = layer.path
    animation.toValue = toPath
    animation.timingFunction = CAMediaTimingFunction(name: "easeInEaseOut")
    layer.add(animation, forKey: "path")

But the end result is not what i want. How can i achieve animation that changes layer's path from old value to new?

This is how it looks right now with the code above:


like image 395
Karolis Raišelis Avatar asked Feb 21 '17 21:02

Karolis Raišelis

1 Answers

Don't animate the path. Configure the whole path and then set the strokeEnd — let's say it's 0, so the user sees nothing. Now each time you want to make a change, animate the change from the current strokeEnd to the new strokeEnd. The path will appear to extend further round the curve.

enter image description here

like image 141
matt Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 18:11
