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Animate an element on a sine path

sine wave or curve path for element animation I neeed to move an element on sine wave or path as shown in above image. I made something. But it is not working as I want.

img {
  animation: roam infinite;
  animation-duration: 15s;

@keyframes roam {
  0% { left: 50px; top:100px }
  10%{ left:100px; top:100px }
  20%{ left:200px; top:200px }
  30%{ left:300px; top:50px }
  40%{ left:400px; top:200px }
<img src="https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/examples/api/idle/idle_simple/sample-128.png">
like image 238
Sagar Kodte Avatar asked Apr 14 '16 09:04

Sagar Kodte

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Linear approach It's an animation starting slowly and gradually transforming into a bit faster animation. This is not good for animating 360° as it would move slower in the beginning and faster in the end of its full revolution. Linear type of animation is better for our purpose. It's is a movement at constant speed.

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1 Answers

You can move an element on a sine path with 2 CSS keyframe animations. The point is to translate left right with a linear timing function and up/down with an ease-in-out timing function.

This requires to translate the container and move the element up and down with 2 different keyframe animations. Here is an example :

  animation: translate 15s infinite linear;
img {
  animation: upDown 1.5s alternate infinite ease-in-out;

@keyframes upDown {
  to { transform: translatey(100px);}
@keyframes translate {
  to { transform: translatex(900%);}
  <img src="http://i.imgur.com/QdWJXta.png">

Note that this example doesn't contain vendor prefixes. For more info, see canIuse for:

  • CSS keyframe animations
  • CSS 2D transforms
like image 135
web-tiki Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 00:09
