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How to display a default image in case the source does not exists

I have the following code inside myasp.net MVC web application:-

 <a href="~/Content/uploads/@(item.ID).png"><img class="thumbnailimag" src="~/Content/uploads/@(item.ID).png"  /></a>   @Html.ActionLink(item.Name,"Details","DataCenter", new{id = item.ID},null)

And the following CSS:

.thumbnailimag {
    border:thin blue;

But if the image does not exists each bowser will treat it differently . I set a background image but still on IE it will display a “X” over the default image , as follow:- enter image description here

Can anyone advice if there is a way to display a default image if the src does not exists?

like image 353
John John Avatar asked Nov 12 '13 14:11

John John

2 Answers

Sure, for your images use:

<img src="fails/to/load.png" onerror="this.src='path/to/replacement/image.jpg'" />

There isnt a solution in CSS, it will require JS to be either applied to each <img> tag or a top level handler to replace the onerror event for all images.

like image 120
SW4 Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 05:09


It's far better to handle this server-side:

public static class HtmlHelperExtensions
    public static string ImageOrDefault(this HtmlHelper helper, string filename)
        var imagePath = uploadsDirectory + filename + ".png";
        var imageSrc = File.Exists(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(imagePath))
                           ? imagePath : defaultImage;

        return imageSrc;

    private static string defaultImage = "/Content/DefaultImage.png";
    private static string uploadsDirectory = "/Content/uploads/";

Then your view is simplified to:

<img src="@Html.ImageOrDefault(item.ID)" />
like image 41
John H Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 05:09

John H