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angularjs text area character counter

Hi I have a characeter counter for a text area. My problem is that it doesn't count spaces or linebreaks. How do I make it so that it does so?

   <div class="controls">     <textarea rows="4" cols="50"  maxlength="1500" data-ng-minLength="1" data-ng       model="createprofilefields.description" required highlight-on-     error></textarea>      <br />  <!--counter-->   <span class="form-help">{{1500-createprofilefields.description.length}}             Characters</span>      </div> 
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user1424508 Avatar asked Dec 16 '13 03:12


People also ask

How to display character Count in textarea in Angular?

The TextArea enables you to display a character counter along the textarea element. To achieve this scenario, utilize the adornments to display the counter, and set the maxlength property which will restrict the user input up to the specified length.

1 Answers

It's because angularJS automatically trimmed your model.

If you're using angularJS 1.1.1 or newer, add ng-trim="false" to textarea.

Working example: http://jsfiddle.net/9DbYY/

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Banana-In-Black Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 01:10
