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Angularjs sharing data between controllers



I have a service that fetches some client data from my server:

app.factory('clientDataService', function ($http) {
    var clientDataObject = {};
    var cdsService = {
        fetch: function (cid) {
            //$http returns a promise, which has a then function, which also returns a promise
            var promise = $http.get('/clients/stats/' + cid + '/').then(function (response) {
                // The then function here is an opportunity to modify the response
                // The return value gets picked up by the then in the controller.
                clientDataObject = {'data': response.data, 'currentClientID': cid};
                return clientDataObject;
            // Return the promise to the controller
            return promise;
    return cdsService;

Then in one controller I do:

//get stats
clientDataService.fetch($scope.id).then(function (response) {
    $scope.client_data = {
        'statistics': response.data

Which all works very well. However, I'm trying to do a watch from another controller on that service to update it's scope when the data changes, rather then having to re-kick off the http request:

$scope.$watch('clientDataService.clientDataObject', function (cid) {

I'm just alerting for now, but it never ever triggers. When the page initially loads, it alerts "undefined". I have no errors in the console and all the $injects are fine, but it never seems to recognize that data has changed in the service. Am I doing something wrong in the watch?

Many thanks Ben

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Ben Kilah Avatar asked Aug 14 '13 08:08

Ben Kilah

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2 Answers

clientDataService.clientDataObject is not part of your controller's scope, so you can't watch for changes on that object. You need to inject the $rootScope into your service then broadcast the changes to the controllers scopes.

app.factory('clientDataService', function ($rootScope, $http) {
    var clientDataObject = {};
    var cdsService = {
        fetch: function (cid) {
            var promise = $http.get('/clients/stats/' + cid + '/').then(function (response) {
                // The then function here is an opportunity to modify the response
                // The return value gets picked up by the then in the controller.
                clientDataObject = {'data': response.data, 'currentClientID': cid};
                $rootScope.$broadcast('UPDATE_CLIENT_DATA', clientDataObject);
                return clientDataObject;
            // Return the promise to the controller
            return promise;
    return cdsService;

Then in the controller you can listen for the change using:

$scope.$on('UPDATE_CLIENT_DATA', function ( event, clientDataObject ) { });
like image 153
Brett Henderson Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 15:09

Brett Henderson

Another approach can be:

  1. define new service

    app.factory('DataSharingObject', function(){
       return {};
  2. include this new service in controller where we want to store the data

    app.factory('clientDataService', function ($http, DataSharingObject) {
        DataSharingObject.sharedata = ..assign it here
  3. include this new service in controller where we want to access the data

    app.factory('clientReceivingService', function ($http, DataSharingObject) {
       ..use it here... = DataSharingObject.sharedata
like image 41
deepak pundir Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 15:09

deepak pundir