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Difference between ng-model and ng-model-instant AngularJS

What difference between ng-model and ng-model-instant? When I can use ng-model-instant and ng-model?

Could you give me any example?


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IFrizy Avatar asked Aug 01 '13 22:08


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What is NG-model in AngularJS?

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2 Answers

ng-model-instant was removed in one of the 1.0 release candidates, and ng-model now behaves that way. Before that 1.0 RC, ng-model-instant was triggered on every key press and ng-model on every blur. See the changelog.

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Steve Klösters Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 19:09

Steve Klösters

ng-model-instant is deprecated.

ngModelInstant directive is no more and ngModel behaves just as ngModelInstant used to. This doesn't really break anything, just remember to remove all ngModelInstant references from your template as they serve no purpose now.

From here.

It seems that from version 1.0.0rc4 and above ng-model-instant behave exactly like ng-model.

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Davin Tryon Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 19:09

Davin Tryon