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Angularjs E2E Testing with Angular-UI Select2 Element

I have a partial with a select2 element utilizing Angular UI http://angular-ui.github.io/

The issue I am running into is that the element is required and although i have successfully set the field through the following code, the required attribute is not removed as Angular's model must not be updating due to the outside change and I am not sure how to either provide a $scope.apply() or utilize another function of Angular to continue the test.

First to allow for direct jQuery functions to run: (taken from How to execute jQuery from Angular e2e test scope?)

angular.scenario.dsl('jQueryFunction', function() {
return function(selector, functionName /*, args */) {
    var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2);
    return this.addFutureAction(functionName, function($window, $document, done) {
        var $ = $window.$; // jQuery inside the iframe
        var elem = $(selector);
        if (!elem.length) {
            return done('Selector ' + selector + ' did not match any elements.');
        done(null, elem[functionName].apply(elem, args));

Then to change the field value:

jQueryFunction('#s2id_autogen1', 'select2', 'open');
    jQueryFunction('#s2id_autogen1', 'select2', "val", "US");
    jQueryFunction('#s2id_autogen1', 'select2', 'data', {id: "US", text: "United States"});
    jQueryFunction('.select2-results li:eq(3)', 'click');
    jQueryFunction('#s2id_autogen1', 'trigger', 'change');
    jQueryFunction('#s2id_autogen1', 'select2', 'close');

Note that not all of those functions are needed to reflect the changes to the ui, merely all that I have utilized to try and get this working...

like image 398
Brian Avatar asked Aug 20 '13 16:08


1 Answers

To get this to work I consulted both Brian's answer and sinelaw, but it still failed in my case for two reasons:

  1. clicking on 'div#s2id_autogen1' does not open the select2 input for me, the selector I used was 'div#s2id_autogen1 a'
  2. getting the select2 element I would get the ElementNotVisibleError, probably because my select2 is inside a bootstrap modal, so I explicitly wait for the element to be visible before clicking it (you can read the original hint I read to use this here).

The resulting code is:

function select2ClickFirstItem(select2Id) {
        var select2Input;

        // Wait for select2 element to be visible
        browser.driver.wait(function() {
            select2Input =  element(by.css('#s2id_' + select2Id + ' a'));
            return select2Input;
        }).then(function() {

            var items = element.all(by.css('.select2-results-dept-0'));
            browser.driver.wait(function () {
                return items.count().then(function (count) {
                    return 0 < count;

Hope it helps.

like image 188
pcatre Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 01:09
