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Initialize AngularJS controller after append some html into DOM



Is there a way how to use $compile from pure javascript? I'm combinating basic javascript and places where I'm using Angular and can't find a way how to do something like this: http://jsfiddle.net/DavidSlavik/bFdcJ/1/

I think I need use $compile but from place where is no any scope.

angular.module('myApp', []);

function ExpensesCtrl($scope) {

    // Here are some master functions...    


$(function () {

   // Here is the Ajax function that returns html from my MVC action processed with Razor
   // Here I'm not using AngularJS and scopes...
   var htmlFromAjax = '<div id="mapOrder" ng-controller="sortable"><div ng-repeat="item in SortItems">{{item.Title}}</div></div>';


function sortable($scope, $http, $element) {

    // Here is the Ajax function that return JSON object. For example it is commented and used static variable SortItems in scope.
    //    .success(function (e) {
    //        $scope.SortItems = e;
    //    });

    $scope.SortItems = JSON.parse('[{"Title":"ddddddd","MapId":5,"Order":0},{"Title":"Moje mapa","MapId":3,"Order":2},{"Title":"asdas","MapId":4,"Order":3},{"Title":"asds","MapId":7,"Order":4},{"Title":"Pokus","MapId":8,"Order":5},{"Title":"Hello world!!!","MapId":1,"Order":10}]');
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David Slavík Avatar asked Mar 06 '13 12:03

David Slavík

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The $ in AngularJs is a built-in object.It contains application data and methods.

Which is the correct syntax of creating AngularJS controller?

The ng-controller="myCtrl" attribute is an AngularJS directive. It defines a controller. The myCtrl function is a JavaScript function. AngularJS will invoke the controller with a $scope object.

Can you create controller in AngularJS?

In AngularJS, a controller is defined by a Javascript construction function, which is used in AngularJS scope and also the function $scope) is defined when the controller is defining and it returns the concatenation of the $scope. firstname and $scope. lastname.

1 Answers

angular.bootstrap($("#targetElmForApp")[0], ["myApp"]);


angular.bootstrap(rootElementForApp, arrayOfModulesForTheApp)

The first parameter sets the root element for the app, which is what you would do by using ng-app directive otherwise.

The second parameters is a list of modules that defines the application. This is typically a single module in which the app is defined.

So what we did is the same as:

<div id="targetElmForApp" ng-app="myApp"></div>


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Umur Kontacı Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 12:09

Umur Kontacı