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AngularJS + Bootstrap-UI: tooltip not hidden when button is disabled

I'm creating a web app using AngularJS + Twitter Bootstrap and Bootstrap-UI. When I place a tooltip on a button, it shows as expected; but if the button gets disabled (by the underlying controller) after being clicked, and the tooltip was being shown, the tooltip is not hidden and stays there forever. Here's a repro:

Plunker: http://embed.plnkr.co/numlaAuLOxh3a03Z7O85/preview

Just hover the button to make the tooltip appear, and then click it. The button is disabled, and the tooltip stays there. How can I avoid this behavior and have my tips correctly hidden?

like image 644
Naftis Avatar asked Apr 10 '14 13:04


2 Answers

I found that using simply replacing buttons with anchor tags worked perfectly for me.

<a role="button" type="button" class="btn btn-danger" 
    ng-click="someAction()" tooltip="Tooltip" ng-disabled="isDisabled">
      <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-minus"></span>
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devman81 Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 17:09


Searching through GitHub issues I found the suggestion (seems to be related to the issue opened by you?) to use wrapping element that has a tooltip around the element: http://jsfiddle.net/RWZmu/

<div style="display: inline-block;" tooltip="My Tooltip">
  <button class="navbar-btn btn-danger" ng-click="test()" ng-disabled="isDisabled" tooltip="Here's the tip">
    <i class="glyphicon glyphicon-forward"></i>
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Michael Vashchinsky Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 17:09

Michael Vashchinsky