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Angular JS: "active" class on menu items created by a controller



I'm using a JSON service to list menu items (links). When navigating the different routes/pages I want an "active" class added to the link that is currently active (i.e. the page the user is on).

I've used this jsfiddle as a starting point: http://jsfiddle.net/p3ZMR/4/

I've also found several answers here on stackoverflow, but all of them are similar to the solution above.

But, that solution doesn't work if the links are generated via ng-repeat:

  <ul class="main-menu">
    <li ng-repeat="page in pages">
      <a href="/#/{{page.id}}" active-link="active">{{page.name}}</a>

It seems as if the directive is called before the controller adds the links.

Is there any way to get around this?

like image 1000
Adam Gerthel Avatar asked May 15 '13 19:05

Adam Gerthel

2 Answers

HTML for repeating links

<div ng-app="link">
    <div data-ng-controller="myController">
        <a href="#/{{ link.url }}" data-ng-repeat="link in links" data-ng-class="(link.url == location.path() && 'active')">
            {{ link.name }}


angular.module('link', [])

function myController($scope, $location){
    $scope.location = $location;
     $scope.links = [
         { url: "one", name: "One"},
         { url: "two", name: "Two"},
         { url: "", name: "Three"}

This will produce links one/two/three with three being highlighted in the red color. Here's a jsfiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/4mFYy/1/

like image 191
Mathew Berg Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 19:10

Mathew Berg

As the author of your starting point, I updated the fiddle, so it should work now for your dynamic urls :).

angular.module('link', []).
  directive('activeLink', ['$location', function(location) {
  return {
      restrict: 'A',
      link: function(scope, element, attrs, controller) {
          var clazz = attrs.activeLink;
          scope.location = location;
          scope.$watch('location.path()', function(newPath) {
              if (attrs.href.substring(1) === newPath) {  //<------ Here it is already interpolated
              } else {


  controller('MyCtrl', ['$scope', function(scope) {
       { url: "one", name: "One"},
       { url: "two", name: "Two"},
       { url: "three", name: "Three"},
       { url: "", name: "home"}


The problem is, that the directive is reading out the href attribute, before it gets interpolated. I just changed it in a way, that the href will get read out, after it is interpolated.

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kfis Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 21:10
