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Prevent search changes from spamming history

I'm using links like #!/OrderList?id=123, which shows the list of all orders and more details of the order 123. With reloadOnSearch=false and watching $routeUpdate it works fine, except for one thing: All such links get put into the browsers history, while I'd prefer to have only one such link there. For example, instead of


just the last member of each group, i.e.,


I'm aware of $location.replace(), but I can't see where to place it when the change happens via following a link. I tried to place it in $scope.$on("$routeUpdate", ...), but it did nothing, probably because it's too late when the route has already changed.

I'm not using neither router-ui nor the HTML5 mode (just plain angular-route).

I'm afraid, I wasn't clear about me insisting on using href rather than a custom handler. I want the links to work with middle mouse click and bookmarks and everything. A combination of ng-href and ng-click might do what I want, but I've found a simple solution working with plain links.

like image 803
maaartinus Avatar asked Sep 01 '16 20:09


1 Answers

Looks like you may want to update the URL query parameter using an ng-click function instead of relying on a link, then call a function like the one below to update the parameter... With replace state, the history should only track the current value. I haven't tested this case so if you try it, let me know if it works.

        function changeUrlParam (param, value) {
            var currentURL = window.location.href;
            var urlObject = currentURL.split('?');
            var newQueryString = '?';

            value = encodeURIComponent(value);

            if(urlObject.length > 1){
                var queries = urlObject[1].split('&');

                var updatedExistingParam = false;
                for (i = 0; i < queries.length; i++){
                    var queryItem = queries[i].split('=');

                    if(queryItem.length > 1){
                         if(queryItem[0] == param){
                            newQueryString += queryItem[0] + '=' + value + '&';
                            updatedExistingParam = true;
                            newQueryString += queryItem[0] + '=' + queryItem[1] + '&';
                    newQueryString += param + '=' + value + '&';
                newQueryString += param + '=' + value + '&';
            window.history.replaceState('', '', urlObject[0] + newQueryString.slice(0, -1));
like image 119
Philip Rittenhouse Jr. Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 06:11

Philip Rittenhouse Jr.