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AngularJS and UI sortable - no method 'sortable' error

I'm using Angular JS and Angular UI (via a gem : angular-ui-rails) and today I'm stuck with module dependancies. If anyone has an idea !

I would like to add the sortable module ( https://github.com/angular-ui/ui-sortable ) on my app that looks like this example :


The thing is that I already have UI-bootstrap module loaded on it, so I try to do this :

on app.js :

 angular.module('ui', ['ui.bootstrap','ui.sortable']);

on controllers.js

 function dndCtrl($scope) {
     $scope.list = ["one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six"];

a sortable.js file loaded in the app. The order of js is :

 //= require jquery
 //= require jquery_ujs
 //= require underscore
 //= require angular.min
 //= require ./angular/controllers/app.js
 //= require_tree ./angular
 //= require_tree .

and so the sortable.js file is loaded after app.js and just before ui-bootstrap js file (in ./angular tree)

Then last : my html file with a simple list loop with angular :

<html ....... ng-app="ui">

<div ng-controller="dndCtrl">
    <ul ui-sortable ng-model="list">
        <li ng-repeat="item in list" class="item">{{item}}</li>
    <hr />

The loop's working well and UI bootstrap (Typeahead in my case too) but not sortable and console renders a

 TypeError: Object [object Object] has no method 'sortable'

What did I do wrong or miss ?

like image 827
user1713964 Avatar asked Sep 16 '13 17:09


1 Answers

UI-sortable depends on jQuery UI. It doesn't look like you have included jQuery UI JavaScript file. Note that you can either include the whole jQuery UI library or create a custom build with just the sortable module.

like image 106
Buu Nguyen Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 23:09

Buu Nguyen