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Angular2 using @Inputs with <router-outlet>s

I have a sub-navigation in my page that displays some subviews below a common main view. I would like to pass an object to the subviews through the <router-outlet> so that I can retrieve the data once in the main component and just share it with my sub components.

Note: If I include the directive <one></one> in the main.html it works but this isn't my desired behavior.

Main View:

<a [router-link]="['./sub1']">One</a> | 
<a [router-link]="['./sub2']">Two</a> | 
<a [router-link]="['./sub3']">Three</a>   
<router-outlet [data]="maindata"></router-outlet>

Sub View 1:

<h2>{{ data.name }}</h2>

Main View:

    selector: 'main-detail',
    directives: [ROUTER_DIRECTIVES],
    templateUrl: './main.html'
    { path: '/', redirectTo: '/one' },
    { path: '/one', as: 'One', component: OneComponent },
    { path: '/two', as: 'Two', component: TwoComponent },
    { path: '/three', as: 'Three', component: ThreeComponent }
export class MainComponent {
    maindata: Object = {name:'jim'};

Sub View 1:

    selector: 'one',
    directives: [CORE_DIRECTIVES],
    inputs: ['data'],
    templateUrl: './one.html'
export class OneComponent {
    @Input() data;
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JRulle Avatar asked Dec 18 '15 20:12


People also ask

What is use of router outlet?

The Router-Outlet is a directive that's available from the router library where the Router inserts the component that gets matched based on the current browser's URL. You can add multiple outlets in your Angular application which enables you to implement advanced routing scenarios.

3 Answers

If it's simple data you can pass them through RouteParams

<a [router-link]="['./sub3'],{name:'jim'}">Three</a> 

then in your sub view

@Component({     selector: 'one',     directives: [CORE_DIRECTIVES],     templateUrl: './one.html' }) export class OneComponent {     data: any;   constructor(params: RouteParams){     this.data = params.get('data');   } } 

You can also setup the route to always pass params from the component by moving the RouterConfig INSIDE the component (Note, this is not how it's normally done):

export class AppCmp {   history: string[] = [];   constructor(public list: PersonalizationList,               private router_: Router) {     list.get('histoy', (response) => {       this.history = response;     });     router_.config([       { path: '/', component: HomeCmp, as: 'Home', data: this.history },       { path: '/about', component: AboutCmp, as: 'About' }     ]);   } } 

Credit to the Source

If you are going to do something more complex I suggest using a service to communicate between routes/components. It's actually the way I prefer to do it.

Sample Service:

import {Injectable} from 'angular2/angular2';  @Injectable() export class CarsService {   list1: array<any> = ['a','b','c','d'];   list2: array<any>;    constructor() {     this.list2 = [1,2,3,9,11];   } } 

How you Inject a service:

export class Cars {   constructor(cars:CarsService) {     this.cmpList1 = cars.list1;     this.cmpList2 = cars.list2;   } } 

This way you can use the service to communicate regardless of parent/child or other weird restrictions.

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Dennis Smolek Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 11:09

Dennis Smolek

Looks like syntax has been changed. Below works for me ~Angular4.0.0

HTML (Pass Route Parameters)

<li><a [routerLink]="['/templatecreate',{mode:'New'}]">New Job</a></li> 


constructor(private route: ActivatedRoute) { }  ngOnInit() {          this.getTemplate();    this.sub = this.route.params.subscribe(params => { this.id = params['mode'];   console.log("Routing Mode", this.id);       }); } 
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Tanmay Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 11:09


I think the proper Angular2 way to be passing data is via Dependency Injections (by using a Service) otherwise the user will be able to see the data you're passing in the browser's URL.

Also, using a Service will allow for "Separation of Concerns", meaning that Component A shouldn't be dependent on Component B.

Dependency Injection Links:

1) https://angular.io/guide/dependency-injection

2) https://angular.io/guide/dependency-injection-in-action

3) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MJrw43GP2u0

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Gene Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 11:09
