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Pass config data using forRoot

I am trying to pass config data into a custom library in Angular.

In the users application, they will pass some config data to my library using forRoot

// Import custom library
import { SampleModule, SampleService } from 'custom-library';

// User provides their config
const CustomConfig = {
  url: 'some_value',
  key: 'some_value',
  secret: 'some_value',
  API: 'some_value'
  version: 'some_value'

  declarations: [...],
  imports: [
    // User config passed in here
  providers: [
export class AppModule {}

In my custom library, specifically the index.ts, I can access the config data:

import { NgModule, ModuleWithProviders } from '@angular/core';
import { SampleService } from './src/sample.service';

  imports: [
  declarations: [...],
  exports: [...]
export class SampleModule {
  static forRoot(config: CustomConfig): ModuleWithProviders {
    // User config get logged here
    return {
      ngModule: SampleModule,
      providers: [SampleService]

My question is how do I make the config data available in the custom library's SampleService

Currently SampleService contains the following:

export class SampleService {

  foo: any;

  constructor() {
    this.foo = ThirdParyAPI(/* I need the config object here */);

  Fetch(itemType:string): Promise<any> {
    return this.foo.get(itemType);

I have read through the docs on Providers, however the forRoot example is quite minimal and doesn't seem to cover my use case.

like image 475
Michael Doye Avatar asked Apr 08 '17 10:04

Michael Doye

1 Answers

You are almost there, simply provide both SampleService and config in your module like below:

export class SampleModule {
  static forRoot(config: CustomConfig): ModuleWithProviders<SampleModule> {
    // User config get logged here
    return {
      ngModule: SampleModule,
      providers: [SampleService, {provide: 'config', useValue: config}]
export class SampleService {

  foo: string;

  constructor(@Inject('config') private config:CustomConfig) {
    this.foo = ThirdParyAPI( config );


Since Angular 7 ModuleWithProviders is generic, so it needs ModuleWithProviders<SampleService>

like image 140
Günter Zöchbauer Avatar answered Nov 17 '22 15:11

Günter Zöchbauer