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Angular2 - md-slide-toggle displays the wrong value

My problem is that the md-slide-toggle has the right value but it displays it wrong.

For example:

At the start the value is 1 and the toggle is active.

  1. Time pressing the toggle: value is 0 but the toggle is still active.

  2. Time pressing the toggle: value is 1 but now the toggle is now inactive.

  3. ...

Check it out here: https://plnkr.co/edit/kxehpwaat5dezNActZbn?p=preview


  <md-slide-toggle ngDefaultControl (click)="onClick()"


device:number = 1;

onClick() {
            let tmp;
            if (this.device == 1){
            if (this.device == 0){
like image 551
ALSTRA Avatar asked Mar 14 '17 17:03


People also ask

How do you find the value of the mat slide toggle?

Slide toggle gives either true or false value. Slide toggle value can be changed either by drag or toggle. Here on this page we will create slide toggles with its properties and will fetch its values using formControl , formControlName and ngModel with reactive form and template-driven form.

2 Answers

You're right, not having used the Slide Toggle Component before, it does seem like an odd behavior by default, although this seems to work:

Taken from your Plunker:




import {Component} from '@angular/core';

  selector: 'slide-toggle-overview-example',
  templateUrl: './slide-toggle-overview-example.html',
export class SlideToggleOverviewExample {

  device:number = 1;

  onChange(e: Event) {
        if (e.checked == true) {
          this.device = 1;
        } else {
          this.device = 0;

Working Plunker

At first, I thought it was your use of the ngModel binding and the click binding at the same time, but that wasn't the case (since I eventually noticed you were using one-way). It does seem that they get out of sync right from the start when you attempt to assign a numeric value instead of a boolean.

As this does work as expected as well:


     <md-slide-toggle ngDefaultControl


import {Component} from '@angular/core';

  selector: 'slide-toggle-overview-example',
  templateUrl: './slide-toggle-overview-example.html',
export class SlideToggleOverviewExample {
  device:boolean = true;

Although, it appears that the ng team is aware of at least a version of this issue mentioned in the issue "Slide toggle - (change) event will be fired even when the slider has not change."

like image 174
Steve Gomez Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 03:10

Steve Gomez

You have to find the object property checked value from event . Working Code For Me




 import {Component} from '@angular/core';

  selector: 'slide-toggle-overview-example',
  templateUrl: './slide-toggle-overview-example.html',
 export class SlideToggleOverviewExample {

  device:number = 1;

  onChange(value) {
        if (value.checked == true) {
          this.device = 1;
        } else {
          this.device = 0;
like image 41
shawon Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 02:10
