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Angular ui-router get asynchronous data with resolve

I want to display a form with data corresponding to the edited item. I use ui-router for routing. I defined a state:

myapp.config(function($stateProvider) {      $stateProvider.     .state('layout.propertyedit', {         url: "/properties/:propertyId",         views : {             "contentView@": {                 templateUrl : 'partials/content2.html',                  controller: 'PropertyController'             }         }     }); 

In PropertyController, I want to set $scope.property with data coming from the following call (Google Cloud Endpoints):

    gapi.client.realestate.get(propertyId).execute(function(resp) {         console.log(resp);     }); 

I don't know if I can use resolve because the data are returned asynchronously. I tried

    resolve: {         propertyData: function() {             return gapi.client.realestate.get(propertyId).execute(function(resp) {                 console.log(resp);             });         }     } 

First issue, the propertyId is undefined. How do you get the propertyId from the url: "/properties/:propertyId"?

Basically I want to set $scope.property in PropertyController to the resp object returned by the async call.


myapp.controller('PropertyController', function($scope, , $stateParams, $q) {      $scope.property = {};      $scope.create = function(property) {     }      $scope.update = function(property) {     }  function loadData() {     var deferred = $q.defer();      gapi.client.realestate.get({'id': '11'}).execute(function(resp) {         deferred.resolve(resp);     });      $scope.property = deferred.promise; }  }); 
like image 356
Sydney Avatar asked Aug 01 '13 20:08


2 Answers

You need to read the docs for resolve. Resolve functions are injectable, and you can use $stateParams to get the correct value from your routes, like so:

resolve: {     propertyData: function($stateParams, $q) {         // The gapi.client.realestate object should really be wrapped in an         // injectable service for testability...          var deferred = $q.defer();          gapi.client.realestate.get($stateParams.propertyId).execute(function(r) {             deferred.resolve(r);         });         return deferred.promise;     } } 

Finally, the values for resolve functions are injectable in your controller once resolved:

myapp.controller('PropertyController', function($scope, propertyData) {      $scope.property = propertyData;  }); 
like image 84
Nate Abele Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 03:10

Nate Abele

I think your controller function needs $stateParams parameter from which you can get your propertyId. Then you can use $q parameter and create promise to set $scope.property with something like this:

var deferred = $q.defer();  gapi.client.realestate.get(propertyId).execute(function(resp) {     deferred.resolve(resp); });  $scope.property=deferred.promise; 

Here is description of using promises for handling async calls.

like image 45
efan Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 05:10
