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Angular UI-Router, accessing parent state and dynamically redirecting the user to a certain child state

I have a main state which is reached by accessing the URL http://myapp/validate.

Upon reaching this URL, inside the controller I do a permission check, and redirect the user to one of the two child states.

This works, 80% satisfied, but uses some resources and causes a small flicker in my app, since basically I load a view I DO NOT USE.

Is there a better way to achieve this?

Any ideas?

angular.module('app.validate').config(['$stateProvider', function($stateProvider) {
        .state('validate', {
            url: '/validate',
            template: '<ui-view/>',
            controller: ['$state', 'HasPermission', function ($state, HasPermission) {

                // Here is where I do my logic.

                if (HasPermission.get('can-lock-as-admin')) {

                if (HasPermission.get('can-lock-as-clerk')) {
        .state('validate.lock-as-admin', {
            templateUrl: 'theUrl',
            controller: 'ValidateLockAdminCtrl'
        .state('validate.lock-as-clerk', {
            templateUrl: 'theUrl',
            controller: 'ValidateLockClerkCtrl'
        .state('validate.commit', {
            templateUrl: 'theUrl',
            controller: 'ValidateCommitCtrl'
like image 971
Dany D Avatar asked Dec 05 '14 14:12

Dany D

1 Answers

The flickering is due to the fact that you are actually letting the user access http://myapp/validate before moving him to the correct path.
You can avoid this by redirecting him to the correct path without displaying the parent route.


    function(e, toState, toParams, fromState, fromParams), {
      if(toState.name === 'validate') { // some conditional
        e.preventDefault(); // This tells the app not to move to the validate route

        if (HasPermission.get('can-lock-as-admin')) {
        if (HasPermission.get('can-lock-as-clerk')) {


To have an even cleaner solution you could probably use a resolve block that check the permission, but I am not 100% about this and I don't have time to check it now.
I would suggest you to have a look at this article since it explains in a good way similar scenarios.

like image 114
pasine Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 20:10
